The Australian metalcore scene has been an embarrassment of riches for some time now, so where does the latest EP from Brisbane outfit Revoid stack up in the increasingly-crowded field?

The EP starts off with a bit of a curveball, as bands will often rip out of the gate with one of their heavier or more aggressive tracks, whereas here the band opts to showcase the strong clean singing of vocalist Dale Dudeson on the more somber and sedate "Everything." "Visionary" follows, with strong 2010s Architects vibes, saturated in the melancholic atmosphere that defines records like All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us and is, indeed, a fixture of Evergrey as well.

On the third track, "Let You In," Revoid once again settles into softer confines, suiting the vulnerability and rawness of lyrics like "It was the night I tried to kill myself and change you with the guilt." Track four, "Euphoria," is a different kind of gut punch, scarcely cracking two minutes of nasty heaviness, but is no less raw emotionally. Penultimate track "Nevermind" is similar to "Visionary" but feels more like a single; "Fray" closes us out with a bit of a microcosm of the preceding five tracks, a suitable, conclusive closer.

Overall, this is a strong EP with crisp, clean production that showcases the band’s versatility and, in particular, breakout potential with their ability to incorporate melodicism and the quieter moments that have found such a ready reception in the modern metalcore scene.


